Aims & Scope

The Journal of Risk and Crisis Management is an international refereed, specialized, indexed, and licensed by ISSN International Centre in Paris.

It is also certified and indexed in EBSCO Information Services rules.

The Journal of Risk and Crisis Management comes as a refereed specialized journal and it is an extension of the journals published by the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing in cooperation with the National Research Center). It's quarterly issued by the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing and the National Research Center. The journal is interested in publishing authentic and valuable research, which aim to spread knowledge of ways to prevent crisis and how to face them and get rid of their effects, and it is interested in publishing distinguished scientific research based on high credibility in this field, thus contributing to achieving security, stability and development in the Arab and international community. The first editor-in-chief is Prof. Lakhdar Azzi.



Great interest in publishing original and distinctive research based on high credibility in the field of risk and crisis management.



We work in the Journal of Risk and Crisis Management to lead and excel by selecting the research that we publish, to be a reference for every researcher, and everyone interested, and we strive to provide high-value research that contributes to achieving community development and the rule of security and stability.



You can publish your research in the following specialties:

- Risk Management Principles.

- International humanitarian law and crisis and disaster management

- Planning for natural and industrial disaster management.

- Medical evacuation of the rescue teams.

- Management during crises and making decisions in emergency situations.

- Emergency transportation operations.

- Crisis Management.

- Disaster response.

- Security crisis management

- Leadership and Entrepreneurship in times of crisis and disaster.

- Financial and economic management of crises and disasters.

- Disaster Medicine.

- Public relations in times of crisis and disaster..

- Crisis Management and Negotiation.

(The art of negotiation and crisis management)

- Modern methods in disaster and crisis management.

- Managing risks using the GIS.

- Strategic planning in response to crises and disasters.

- Economic reconstruction.

- Political development.

- Information and communication systems and decision support.

- Media in crisis and disaster situations.