The Algerian experience in managing security crises, the black decade stage (1990 - 2000) as a model


  • Aisha Abdul Hamid


political violence
rights and freedoms
the black decade


The study aims to shed light on the stage of the black decade in Algeria, through a set of legal texts in which the Algerian legislator addressed the management of the internal security crisis during that stage.

As for the importance of the study, it emerges through Algeria’s exposure during the nineties to a legal and constitutional crisis that almost reached the country to a dangerous turning point, had it not been for the containment of the crisis, especially during the legal and constitutional vacancy of the position of the President of the Republic and the dissolution of the National People's Assembly, a dangerous precedent, and for preserving the entity of the state and With its constitutional institutions, the National Army is entrusted with the task of preserving order and preserving state institutions and their republican character.

Algeria tried to contain the political crisis that the country had known after its political entity was undermined due to the vacancy of the position of the President of the Republic following the resignation, which resulted in the entry of Algeria into a dangerous turning point that forced it to enter the state of exceptional circumstances and embodied it on the ground with organized legal texts.

In the absence of political stability, the reason for the weakness of political parties, and the imbalance that exists within government departments, this was reflected in Algeria's ranking among the most corrupt countries through unsound political, economic and social conditions that constitute the climate in which corruption grows and the obstacle standing in the way of the realization of any project to repair.

The problem revolves around how the Algerian legislation has dealt with the laws issued to confront the dangerous phenomenon that almost led to Algeria into an internal civil war. We adopted this descriptive approach by studying the black decade and the analytical method to highlight the laws issued.

We have reached a conclusion that Algeria will encircle the security crisis and eliminate it.

Author Biography

Aisha Abdul Hamid

Faculty of Law | University of El- Tarif | Algeria




How to Cite

The Algerian experience in managing security crises, the black decade stage (1990 - 2000) as a model. (2021). Journal of Economic, Administrative and Legal Sciences, 5(7), 163-139.




How to Cite

The Algerian experience in managing security crises, the black decade stage (1990 - 2000) as a model. (2021). Journal of Economic, Administrative and Legal Sciences, 5(7), 163-139.