The role of accounting idea to reduce the international financial crisis on the financial establishment


  • Mahdi Abdalla Mohamed
  • Musa Abdulla Mohamed


the financial crisis
the financial crisis: the crisis of 2008
financial institutions: stock exchanges
banks and capital markets
accounting thought: researchers in the field of accounting


The study aimed to know the role of accounting ideas in mitigating the severity of the financial crises on financial institutions, by formulating a number of assumptions. The most important of these is the relationship between the application of professional standards and accounting policies and limiting the effects of the financial crises and achieving the safety of financial institutions. The study adopted the historical, descriptive approach to arrive at the results of the study depending on the primary sources.

The study presented the introduction and four sections, the first, entitled the concept, types and characteristics of financial crises. The second topic is the effects and repercussions of financial crises on financial institutions. The third topic is the role of accounting ideas and professional institutions in financial crises. The fourth topic implications and solution of global financial crises on Sudan.

One of the most important results is the absence of financial and economic policies from specialized agencies in Sudan. The study concluded by depending on accounting theorists to protect financial institutions from financial crises. One of the most important recommendation is the need for county to improve its economic relations with foreign countries.

Author Biographies

Mahdi Abdalla Mohamed

Nile Cement Company | Sudan

Musa Abdulla Mohamed

Faculty of Rabak Technology | Sudan Technology University | Sudan




How to Cite

The role of accounting idea to reduce the international financial crisis on the financial establishment. (2021). Journal of Economic, Administrative and Legal Sciences, 5(6), 92-111.




How to Cite

The role of accounting idea to reduce the international financial crisis on the financial establishment. (2021). Journal of Economic, Administrative and Legal Sciences, 5(6), 92-111.