⧈ Frequency: Monthly
⧈ Print ISSN: 2522-3380
⧈ Online ISSN: 2522-3380
⧈ Impact Factor (SJIF) 2023: 7.296
⧈ Arabic Impact Factor 2023: 0.855
Data Sharing Policy
Arab Institute for Science and Research Publishing (AISRP) requests all authors to make available “all data underlying the findings described in their manuscripts.” Authors are encouraged to maintain the anonymity of the participants in both qualitative and quantitative data before sharing it with the editors or the public. The research method is at the core of the editor and peer evaluation of manuscripts. This journal adopts the data-sharing policy as recommended by the 2011 AERA Council and its Code of Ethics, which stated:
(a) Education researchers share data and pertinent documentation as a regular practice. Education researchers make their data available after completion of the project or its major publication for verification or other analyses by other researchers, except where proprietary agreements with employers, contractors, or clients preclude such accessibility or when it is impossible to share data in any useful form.
(b) In sharing data, education researchers take appropriate steps to protect the confidentiality of the data and the identity of research participants. When appropriate future use necessitates access to identifiable data, researchers take steps to ensure that the data are accessible under appropriate restrictions where the confidentiality of research participants can be secured.
(c) Education researchers anticipate data sharing as an integral part of a research plan whenever data sharing is feasible.