Suggested Conceptualizing Media and Educational Arrangements Counter-terrorism in Saudi Arabia according to the Light of Future Trends


  • Mohamed Naser AlSubie
  • Hamdan Mohamed Ismail
  • Mortada AbdAlRahim Mohamed
  • Hamad Mohamed Ibrahim
  • Fahd Salah Gad- AlRab


Media arrangements
Educational arrangements
counter terrorism
Suggested conceptualizing
Future Trends
Saudi Arabia


The current study aimed at developing suggested conceptualizing of media and educational arrangements to counter terrorist crimes in Saudi Arabia. This study used the descriptive, inductive and deductive approaches. The important findings of this study: There is a shortage in the media and educational arrangements to counter terrorist crimes. The important challenges and problems facing media and educational arrangements to counter terrorist crimes are: overlapping factors and conditions that relate to terrorism, international cooperation to counter-terrorism and state sovereignty, integrity of international cooperation objectives, national unity and international security, the citizen's freedoms and rights, measuring economic costs of terrorist crimes, global terrorism, the ideology of media and digital terrorism, continuously of terrorist acts. Finally, suggested conceptualizing of media and educational arrangements to counter terrorist crimes in Saudi Arabia: its philosophy, foundations, and requirements and mechanisms. The most important recommendations of this study are: The need to treat terrorism as primarily an educational and media issue, the importance of creating a unified national vision, strategy, standards and qualified national cadres in the fields of media and education to counter-terrorism.


* تم تمويل هذه الدراسة برعاية عمادة البحث العلمي، جامعة الطائف، المملكة العربية السعودية رقم المشروع البحثي (6066- 439- 1) والباحثون يتقدمون بأسمى آيات الشكر والتقدير للجامعة على هذا الدعم الإداري والفني.

Author Biographies

Mohamed Naser AlSubie

University College | Ranyah | Taif University | KSA

Hamdan Mohamed Ismail

University College | Ranyah | Taif University | KSA

Mortada AbdAlRahim Mohamed

University College | Ranyah | Taif University | KSA

Hamad Mohamed Ibrahim

University College | Ranyah | Taif University | KSA

Fahd Salah Gad- AlRab

University College | Al- Khurmah- Taif University | KSA




How to Cite

Suggested Conceptualizing Media and Educational Arrangements Counter-terrorism in Saudi Arabia according to the Light of Future Trends. (2020). Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 4(34), 63-40.




How to Cite

Suggested Conceptualizing Media and Educational Arrangements Counter-terrorism in Saudi Arabia according to the Light of Future Trends. (2020). Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 4(34), 63-40.