Journal Information

The Journal of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences is an international refereed, specialized, indexed and licensed by ISSN International Centre in Paris.

License - International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2522-3364

It is also certified and indexed in EBSCO Information Services rules.

The Journal of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences comes as a specialized and refereed journal and it is an extension of the journals published by the Arab Journal of Sciences and Research Publishing in cooperation with the National Research Center), It's quarterly issued by the Arab Journal of Science and Research Publishing and the National Research Center, it seeks to establish a specialized scientific reference that enriches the field of agricultural, environmental and veterinary sciences in the Arab Library, to guide researchers towards agricultural, environmental and veterinary issues that need to be studied and supported in their research work, and the current editor-in-chief is Prof. Sherein Saeid Abdelgayed.



Contribute to developing and publishing knowledge by presenting contemporary issues in agricultural, environmental and veterinary sciences, in various fields, with an emphasis on innovation and creativity.