Historical study in phonetics

دراسة تاريخية في علم الصوتيات


  • Saied Al-Zahrani

الكلمات المفتاحية:

دراسة تاريخية
علم الصوتيات


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful, and the prayer on his noble
messenger, and on his family and companions and followers to the Day of Judgment. this research
highlights the attention of the owners of each language sounds since ancient times, and perhaps one of
the most important reasons that invited the Arabs, especially, to study them, it is our language the
phonetics wasn’t known as this name for Arab until a late stage, Therefore, it did not go away from the
works of the advanced Arab scholars in the towards them and their disbursement and communication and
presentations and literary encyclopedias with their different arts. And other works such as medicine,
wisdom and music, especially the work of sounds and melody, reading and recitation intensively, all these
sciences touch the sound of the side can be mixed these different sciences in the sound so as not to fall on
a book is devoid of words in the science of sounds or effects. Therefore, we will follow the nations that
dealt with the science of sounds in our research by investigating and knowing the roles played by each
nation separately, hoping to reach in this research to the integration of the role of each nation in the
science of sound for the treatment of speech disorders or to adjust some similar letters that may be
difficult for many languages learners. However, these studies in Arabic or other languages were not in
isolation from that progress in science in general. Therefore, there was a coefficient of language that
taught phonetics and dealt with the deficiencies of those who needed it. The study of all the nations that
dealt with the sounds and their development was not successive and sequentially intertwined. The
observation of the evolution of this science in its various aspects was not sudden, but it was varied and
varied in each nation according to the interest of its people in that science and its care.




كيفية الاقتباس

Historical study in phonetics: دراسة تاريخية في علم الصوتيات. (2017). المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر الأبحاث, 3(4), 94-83. https://doi.org/10.26389/AJSRP.S161017




كيفية الاقتباس

Historical study in phonetics: دراسة تاريخية في علم الصوتيات. (2017). المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر الأبحاث, 3(4), 94-83. https://doi.org/10.26389/AJSRP.S161017